a)      "Be to" ve "be supposed to", bir tarifeye, programa göre olması gereken olayları ifade ederken kullanılır. 
"Be to", "be supposed to" ya göre daha güçlü bir ifade biçimidir.
The film is to start at 11.30.
The film is supposed to start at 11.30.
(Film 11.30'da başlayacak/Filmin 11.30'da başlaması gerekir.)
(I expect the film to start at 11.30. That is the schedule.)
The train is to arrive here in an hour.
The train is supposed to arrive here in an hour.
(I expect the train to arrive here in an hour. That is the schedule.)
The board of directors is to meet tomorrow.
The board of directors is supposed to meet tomorrow.
(I expect them to meet tomorrow. That is the arrangement.)
b)      "Be to" ve "be supposed to", birinin bir başkasından beklentilerini ifade ederken de kullanılır.

You are supposed to be on time for class. If you are late, the teacher gets angry.  (The teacher expects you to be on time for class.)                                                                                (Derse vaktinde gelmen gerekir.)

"Be supposed to", bu kullanımıyla "should" ile yakın bir anlama sahiptir. Ancak "be supposed to"da gereklilik daima dış bir etkenden kaynaklanmaktadır. "Should" da ise gereklilik kişinin kendisinden de kaynaklanabilir.

I am supposed to go home before it gets dark. My mother gets afraid if I'm late.                                 (My mother expects me to go home before it gets dark.)
(Hava kararmadan eve gitmem gerekir.)

I should go home before it gets dark. It is not very safe in our neighbourhood at that time and I feel afraid.                                                                                                                                                     (I consider that it is better to go home before It gets dark.)
(Hava kararmadan eve gitmem gerekir.)

He is supposed to attend the conference on computing.
His boss wants him to attend and learn the developments in computing.                                                                   He should attend the conference on computing. He can get more information about his branch there and can learn the recent developments.
We aren't supposed to sit on the grass. The notice says, "
Keep off the grass." (Çimenlere oturmamamız gerekir.)
We shouldn't sit on the grass. We damage it.                                                                             (Çimenlere oturmamamız gerekir. Onlara zarar veriyoruz.)

"Be to" ise "must" ile yakın bir anlama sahiptir. Her ikisi de "be supposed to" ve "should" a re daha güçlü bir ifade biçimidir. "Be to", dış etkenlerden kaynaklanan bir zorunluluğu, "must" ise kişinin kendisinden kaynaklanan bir zorunluluğu ifade eder.

I am to go to work early tomorrow. My boss ordered me to go in early and prepare everything for the meeting before the members turn up. (Yarın işe erken gitmeliyim.)

I must go to work early tomorrow. I want to prepare everything for the meeting before the members turn up, and I want to be ready when they come. (Yarın işe erken gitmeliyim.)

"Be not to", yine aralarındaki aynı farkla, "mustn't"a yakın bir anlam taşır.

(The policeman to the driver)
-   You aren't to drive at 120 k.p.h. Look! The traffic sign says "90", and I'm afraid I have to give you a ticket now.

(Wife to husband)
-   You mustn't drive so fast. If something happens unexpectedly, you can't stop the car quickly enough and we might nave an accident.

c)      "Be supposed to" nun past biçimi "was/were supposed to" dur. "Should have done" ile yakın bir anlama sahiptir. Ancak, yine bir başkasının geçmişte bizden beklentisini ifade eder.

I was supposed to go to work early yesterday, but I overslept, so my boss got angry with me.   (Result: I went to work late.)
(Dün işe erken gitmem gerekirdi, ama ......)

I should have gone to work early yesterday, but I overslept, so I hadn't yet been able to finish the preparations when the members came.                                       (Result: I went to work late.)  (Dün işe erken gitmem gerekirdi, ama ....)

You weren't supposed to drink so much alcohol. Your doctor had told you to abstain from it.                                                                                                        
 (Result: You didn't listen to your doctor's advice and drank a lot of alcohol.)                              (Bu kadar çok alkol almaman gerekirdi.)

You shouldn't have drunk so much alcohol. Now, you feel terrible, and won't be able to go to work today.
(Result: You drank a lot of alcohol and it wasn't a good idea.)
(Bu kadar çok alkol almaman gerekirdi.)