Passive Cümle Kullanımı


Etken bir fiili (active), edilgen (passive) bir fiile dönüştürebilmemiz için o fiilin geçişli bir fiil (transitive) olması gerekir. Yani, open, dose, give, buy, invite, etc. gibi nesne alabilen bir fiil olması gerekir. Happen, come, go, seem, cry gibi nesne almayan fiiller (intransitive), passive yapılamaz.
Active         :    The school custodian opens the door every day.
Passive         :    The door is opened by the school custodian every day.
Active         :    An accident happens at this crossroads nearly every day.
(No passive, because there isn't an
Active fiilin nesnesi, passive cümlede, özne durumuna geçer ve cümlenin tense'ine uygun olarak be + past participle (fiilin üçüncü hali) kullanılır.
He is washing                    the car.
The car is being washed by him.
She cooked           the dinner
The dinner was cooked by her.
He makes         the sandwiches.
The sandwiches are made by him. subject


Present Progressive
Simple Present
Simple Past
Past Progressive
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Simple Future
be going to
Future Perfect

He is washing the car.
He washes the car.
He washed the car.
He was washing the car.
He has washed the car.
He had washed the car.
He will wash the car.
He is going to wash the car.
He will have washed the car.
The car is being washed by him.
The car is washed by him.
The car was washed by him.
The car was being washed by him.
The car has been washed by him.
The car had been washed by him.
The car will be washed by him.
The car is going to be washed by him.
The car will have been washed by him.
NOTE:"am/is/are doing" ve "was/were doing" dışındaki progressive tense'lerle (will be doing, have been doing, had been doing, will have been doing) passive kullanımı çok enderdir.