prefer (doing) something to (doing) something else                                   prefer to do something rather than (do) something else

"Prefer something to something" yapısıyla, fill kullanmadan isim kullanabiliriz.
I prefer coffee to tea. / She prefers vegetables to meat.

Eğer fiil kullanrrsak fiil "-ing" takısı alır.
I prefer drinking coffee to (drinking) tea.                                                                                          She prefers eating vegetables to (eating) meat.

"Prefer to do something rather than (do) something" yapısıyla sadece fiil kullanabiliriz.
I prefer to drink coffee rather than (drink) tea.
She prefers to eat vegetables rather than (eat) meat.

"Would prefer", "would rather" ile aynı anlamdadır. Ancak kullanımdaki ayma dikkat ediniz.

I would rather do something than (do) something else.                                                                        I would prefer to do something than/rather than (to do/do) something else.

"Would prefer"den sonra isim gelebilir.
— Would you prefer tea or coffee?
— Neither, please. I'd prefer a cold lemonade.

"Would prefer"den sonra fill, "to do" biçiminde gelir. "Would rather"dan sonra ise isim gelmez, mutlaka fiil gelir ve fiil yalın haliyle gelir.

I would rather stay at home tonight than go out.
I would prefer to stay at home tonight rather than/than (to) go out.
Past biçimleri için de aynı kural geçerlidir.

I would rather have done something than (have) done something else.                            
I would prefer to have done something rather than/than (have) done something else.

I would rather have stayed at home last night than (have) gone out.                                                 I would prefer to have stayed at home last night than/rather than (to have) gone out.                                                                                                                               (Dün akşam dışarı çıkmak yerine evde kalmayı tercih ederdim.)

I would rather he himself decided on this occasion.              
 They would rather I didn't live in a separate house.

Aynı  anlamı  "would prefer" ile vermek istersek,  "object to do" biçiminde ifade etmemiz gerekir.

would prefer someone to do something

I would prefer him to decide himself on this occasion.              
 They would prefer me not to live separately.