10- THE  PAST  PERFECT  TENSE
10-1        FORM



I had finished my work.
You had studied hard. He/She/It had eaten lunch.

We had seen the film.
You had helped her.
They had heard the news.

I had net finished my work. You had not studied hard. He/She/It had not eaten lunch.

We had not seen the film.
You had not helped her.
They had not heard the news.

Had I finished my work? Had you studied hard?
Had he/she/it eaten lunch?

Had we seen the film?
Had you helped her?
Had they heard the news?

Bu tense'i oluşturmak için had + past participle  kullanılır. "I had, We had, She had, etc.” yerine kısaltılmış olarak  "I'd, We'd, She'd, etc." yapılarını kullanabiliriz.
She had just eaten lunch.
I hadn't finished my test when the bell rang.
I had already finished my work when the guests arrived.
I didn't want to go to the cinema, because I'd seen the film before.
a)        Past Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Tense'in past biçimidir.
Present   :     I am not hungry. I have just eaten.
Past        :    When I went home, I wasn't hungry, because I had just
Present   :    I have never seen a kangaroo before.
Past        :    When I went to Australia last year, I saw a kangaroo
there. I
had never seen a kangaroo before.
Present   :    I don't want to see that film. I've already seen it.
Past        :    I didn't want to go to the cinema with my friends. I had
already seen
the film.
Present   :    I can't go out with you now. My daughter hasn't come
back from school yet.
Past        :    I couldn't go out with them, because my daughter hadn't
back from school yet.

b)      Since, for, always, etc. gibi zarflarla kullanımı:
Since, for, always gibi zarfların, Present Perfect Tense (I have done) ile kullanıldığını ve geçmişte   başlayıp   içinde   bulunduğumuz   ana   kadar   devam   eden   ya   da   içinde bulunduğumuz anda da devam etmekle olan eylemleri ifade ettiğini görmüştük. Since, for, always gibi zarflar, Past Perfect Tense (I had done )   ile de kullanılır. Ancak bu kez, geçmişte başlayıp yine geçmişte bir noktaya kadar devam etmiş olan eylemleri anlatır.

He has been our assistant manager for three years. Before that, he had worked for us as a clerk for two years.


We were going to meet, in front of the cinema at 2p.m. yesterday. I arrived there at 2p.m. sharp, but she hadn't come yet. When it was 2.30 and she still hadn't come, I gave up waiting and went into the cinema.

Yesterday, the traffic was heavy, and it took me a long time to get home. When I arrived home, my parents had already eaten their dinner.

Last year, he made a very bad mistake at work, but his boss couldn't dismiss him just for that. He had worked for them for ten years and hadn't done anything wrong before.

c)        Past Perfect Tense, geçmişte belli bir noktada olmuş olaylardan söz ederken, daha geçmişte olmuş olayları vurgulamak için de kullanılır.

When I saw her again ten years later, I found her greatly changed, both physically and mentally. She had dyed her hair blond and had got thinner. She had left her parents and had started to earn her own living.

When her marriage was breaking up, she remembered her father's words. He had warned her against the difficulties of taking on the responsibility of marriage, and he had told her that she was too young to lace them. She hadn't listened to him then and had got married. She now realized how right he had been.

Ancak, amaç geçmişteki olayları sadece akış sırasına göre vermekse, Past Perfect kullanmak gerekmez.

She wanted to get married when she was only eighteen. Her father objected to it. He warned her against the difficulties of taking on the responsibility of marriage at such an early age, but she didn't listen to him and got married.

Bazı durumlarda ise Simple Past yada  Past Perfect   kullanılması anlam değişikliğine yol
1)   When we arrived at the farm house, I warned her to beware of the dog. (Çiftlik evine varınca, köpeğe dikkat etmesi için onu uyardım.)
2)   When we arrived at the farm house, she was cautious. I had warned her to beware of the dog. ( Çiftlik evine vardığımızda, tedbirliydi. Köpeğe dikkat etmesi için onu uyarmıştım.)
Yukarıdaki cümlelerden birincisinde    "uyarma"    eylemi çiftlik evine gelince, ikincisinde ise gelmeden önce yapılmıştır.
When I arrived at the party, Chris left.
( First, I arrived. Then Chris left, so I saw him. )
When I arrived at the party, Chris had left.
( First, he left. Then I arrived, so I didn't see him.)
While I was coming here, I saw an accident. A car had run into a cyclist.   
(I didn't see the accident happen. )
While I was coming here, I saw an accident. A car ran into a cyclist.
(I saw the accident happen. )