8-  THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE                                                                                             

8-1 FORM




I have been working.                             You have been working. He/She/It has been working
We have been working.             You have been working. They have been working.

I haven't been working.           You haven't been working. He/She/It hasn't been working.
We haven't been working. You haven't been working. They haven't been working.

Have I been working?                     Have you been working?                 Has he/she/it been working?
Have we been working? Have you been working? Have they been working?

They have been living in this country since last year.
You have been studying for exactly three hours.
She has been learning English since she was in secondary school.
a)         Present Perfect Continuous Tense, geçmişte başlayıp, içinde bulunduğumuz anda hala devam etmekte olan eylemleri anlatır ve for, since, all day, all week, all year gibi zaman zarflayla çok sık kullanılır.
I started to read this book two hours ago, and I'm still reading it.                   I have been reading this book for two hours.
It started to rain yesterday morning, and it is still raining.                      It has been raining since yesterday morning.
You have been working very hard all week. You should take some time to relax at the weekend.
The discussion has been going on for two hours, but they haven't taken a decision vet.

b)       Present Perfect Continuous Tense, geçmişte başlamış, içinde bulunduğumuz anda henüz bilmiş, ancak belirtileri devam eden eylemler için de kullanılır.
Is that child crying?
No, but his eyes arc watery. He has been crying.
Your hands are covered in oil. What have you been doing?                       I have been fixing the car.
You look very tired. Yes, I have been working hard today. Sorry, I'm late. Have you been waiting long?
c)        "Since" ve "for" ile belirtilen zamanları "how long" soru sözcüğü ile sorabiliriz. Present Perfect Simple ve Continuous tense'ler, geçmişten günümüze bir süreç belirttiği için, kesin bir zaman isteyen "when" soru sözcüğünü bu tense'lerle kullanamayız.
When did you move to this city?                I moved here seven years ago.
How long have you been living in this city?                             I have been living here for seven years.
When did you become a teacher? (Ne zaman öğretmen oldunuz?)                  I became a teacher in 1986.
How long have you been a teacher? (Ne zamandır öğretmensiniz?)              I have been a teacher since 1986.

a)        Geçmişte başlayıp, içinde bulunduğumuz anda hala devam etmekte olan, ya da henüz bitmiş olan bir eylemi anlatan bazı fiiller, her iki lense ile de kullanılır ve aynı anlamı verir. Bu şekilde yaygın olarak kullanılan fiiller şunlardır:
expect             lie                     rain                 snow               study            want
hope                live                   sleep                stand               teach            work                                                
learn               look                 sit                     stay                 wait
How long have you lived in this city?                          How long have you been living in this city?
She has worked for that firm for the last two years.
She has been working for that firm for the last two years.

b)        Continuous    Tense'lerle    (l    am   doing,    I    was    doing)    kullanılmayan    diğer    fiiller (non-progressive verbs) Present Perfect Continuous ile de kullanılmazlar. Ancak, "want" ve "wishbu kuralın dışındadır.
Look at that lovely shirt in the shop window! I've been wanting one like that for some time.
I've been wishing to visit your mother since I heard that she was ill.

Diğer non-progressive fiiller ise Present Perfect Simple ile kullanılır.
What a lovely watch! How long have you had it?                               For over a year.
I see that you are close friends with him. Have you known each other for long?
Since we were children.
A nice old couple! They seem to be very fond of each other.
How long have they been married?
For almost fifty years. They'll celebrate their Golden Wedding next year.
Hello, I have been looking everywhere for you. How long have you been in this remote part of the park?
Well, I have been thinking over my problems, and I lost track of time.
En son diyalogda "been” sözünün kullanımına dikkat ediniz. " How long have you been in this remote part........"   ifadesinde   "been", "be"   fiilinin past  participle   biçimidir  ve asıl fiil olarak
She is still a student. She has been a student for over six years.                     They are married now. They have been married for three months.
"I   have   been   thinking   over   my   problems."   cümlesinde   ise   "been"   yardımcı   fiil   olarak kullanılmıştır.
She has been working on her graduation thesis recently.
I have been helping her with her English assignments since the beginning of the term.

c)         Present Perfect Continuous Tense, always, never, sometimes gibi sıklık bildiren zarflarla, once, twice, several times gibi eylemin kaç kez yapıldığını bildiren yapılarla, ya da just, already, yet gibi eylemin bittiğini, tamamlandığını ifade eden yapılarla kullanılmaz.
I have always lived here. / I have lived here all my life.                          I have been living here since I was born.
I've been reading this book since this morning, and I've read a hundred pages so far.
(Okuma eylemi devam ettiği için "have been reading, yüz sayfalık bölümü tamamlanmış olduğu için "have read" )
We've been trying to answer a number of questions since the beginning of the class, and we've answered half of them already.
He's been writing letters since breakfast time.   He's just written the
fourth one, and he has two more letters to write.
The door bell has rung twice in the last half hour, and each time, it has been a visitor for my roommate.
The door bell has been ringing for the last minute. Why doesn't
someone open the door?