FUTURE TIME ( will/shall or be going to )

                                 13-  FUTURE  TIME  ( will/shall  or  be going to )
13-1       FORM



I will help you.
I am going to help you.
You will come early.
You are going to come early.
He/She/It will eat lunch.
He/She/It is going to eat lunch.
We will work.
We are going to work.
You will leave early.
You are going to leave early.
They will visit us.
They are going to visit us.

I will not help you.
I am not going to help you.
You will not come early.
You are not going to come early.
He/She/It will not eat lunch.
He/She/It is not going to eat lunch.
We will not work.
We are not going to work.
You will not leave early.
You are not going to leave early.
They will not visit us.
They are not going to visit, us.

Will I help you?
Am I going to help you?
Will you come early?
Are you going to come early?
Will he/she/it eat lunch?
Is he/she/it going to eat lunch?
Will we work?
Are we going to work?
Will you leave early?
Are you going to leave early?
Will they visit us?
Are they going to visit us?

Birinci tekil şahıs " I " ve  birinci çoğul şahıs "we"    için, "will"   yerine "shall"  de kullanılır.
We will/shall invite them to the party.
I will/shall help you with your homework.

"will not" ve "shall not" kısaltılarak "won't" ve "shan'tbiçiminde kullanılır.
They will not/won't come tomorrow.
We shall not/shan't go to the party.

"will"  ve "shall"  kısaltılarak   " ’ll "  biçiminde kullanılır.

They'll visit us next week.    /     I'll eat dinner out tonight.


a)        Eğer geleceğe yönelik bir tahminde bulunuyorsak (prediction),  "will" yada "be going to"   kullanabiliriz.

There will / is going to be a rise in prices after the elections.
According to the weather report, it will / is going to snow tomorrow.

b)        Önceden  tasarlanmış, planlanmış bir durumdan söz ediyorsak ( prior plan ), "be going to" kullanmamız gerekir.

Why have you bought this material?
I'm going to make a skirt for myself.

c)        Henüz  öğrendiğimiz bir konuda yapmaya istekli olduğumuz bir durumu  (willingness), "will"  ile ifade ederiz.

I don't have any money.
Don't worry. I'll lend you some.  
(Üzülme. Ben sana veririm.)

Some guests are corning in two hours, and nothing is ready yet.
Don't worry. I'll wash the dishes and you can do the cooking. 

(Ben bulaşıkları yıkarım, sen yemeği pişirirsin.)

I have a headache.
Wait here. I'll bring a tablet for you. 
(Bekle sana bir hap getireyim.)

"will" in bu kullanımının Türkçe'ye çevirisine dikkat ediniz. Örneklerde de gördüğünüz gibi "will wash, will lend, will bring" ifadelerini "yıkayacağım, ödünç vereceğim, getireceğim" biçiminde değil, "yıkarım, ödünç veririm. getireyim"  biçiminde çevirdik.

d)        Eğer bir olayın olacağına ilişkin belirliler varsa, "going to" kullanılır.

The sky is black. It is going to rain.
There is a lot of blossom on the trees this spring. We are going to have a good crop.

e)        Bu tense'lerle yaygın olarak kullanılan zaman zarfları, tomorrow, next week, next month, next summer, in two days (iki gün sonra), in ten minutes (on dakika sonra), two days from now (iki gün sonra), five years from now (beş yıl sonra), soon ( az sonra, yakında) gibi zarflardır.

We will take an exam next week.
Tomorrow is a public holiday, so she won't go to work.

She will graduate in three years.
Two months from now, they will move into a new flat.

Ancak, içinde bulunduğumuz ana göre gelecek zaman ifade eden pek çok zarf, bu tense'lerle kullanılır.

(In the morning)
I'm going to do some shopping today. Do you need anything special?
I'm not going to have breakfast this morning.

f)        "am, is, are going to" nun past biçimi olarak "was, were; going to" kullanılır. Bu tense ile, geçmişte niyet ettiğimiz, planladığımız, ama çeşitli nedenlerle yapamadığımız eylemleri anlatırız.

I was going to visit my parents last night, but just as 1 was leaving home, some guests arrived, so I couldn't.
(Dün akşam ailemi ziyaret edecektim ama ...........)

We were going to have a test yesterday, but we couldn't finish the unit, so we postponed the exam until next week.
(Dün sınav olacaktık ama ...........)