Passive Soru Cümleleri


Active bir soruyu, passive bir soruya dönüştürürken yine aynı kurallar geçerlidir.
Active        : Is Jack washing the car now?
Passive       : Is the car being washed by Jack now?
Active        :  Does Jack wash the car every day?
Passive       :  Is the car washed by Jack every day?
Active        :  When does Jack usually wash the car?
Passive       :  When is the car usually washed?
"Who" ile sorulan sorularda dikkatli olunuz. Eğer "who", eylemi yapan kişiyi (agent) soruyorsa   "Who .................. by?" soru biçimini kullanmamız gerekir.
Active    :    Who discovered America?
Passive   :    Who was America discovered by?
(By whom was America discovered?)
Active    :    Who founded the Republic of Turkey?
Passive   :    Who was the Republic of Turkey founded by?
(By whom was the Republic of Turkey founded?)
"Who" nesne durumundaki kişiyi soruyorsa "by" kullanılmaz. Ancak, nesneye ait bir preposition
varsa, o kullanılır.
Active    :     Who will you invite to your party?
Passive   :     Who will be invited to your party?
Active    :     Who did you see him with?
Passive   :     Who was he seen with? (With whom was he seen?)
Active    :      Who are you going to borrow money from? 
Passive   :     Who is money going to be borrowed from?                                   (From whom is money going to be borrowed?)
Active    :      Who did he lend his car to?
Passive   :     Who was his car lent to? (To whom was his car lent?)
"What" bir cümlede nesneyi sorar. Yani, "what" ile sorulmuş bir soruda, nesne yoktur. Bu durumda, cümleyi passive yaparken, özne durumuna getirebileceğimiz bir sözcük yok demektir. Böyle bir cümleyi şu şekilde passive yaparız:
Active    :     What are they doing about the case?
Passive   :     What is being done about the case?
Active    :     What did they do about the case?
Passive   :     What was done about the case?
Active    :     What have they done about the case?
Passive   :     What has been done about the case?
(NOTE: Passive cümlede "What"dan sonra gelen fiiller tekildir.)