"Main clause + noun clause" biçiminde kurulmuş olan cümleleri iki şekilde passive yapabiliriz.
Active        :    People say that he lives abroad now.
Passive 1   :    It is said that he lives abroad now.
Passive 2   :    He is said to live abroad now.
Bu iki cümlenin de Türkçe'ye çevirisi aynıdır.
Onun şimdi yurtdışında yaşadığı söyleniyor.
Active        :    People believe that he is the murderer of his wife.
Passive 1   :    It's believed that he is the murderer of his wife.
Passive 2   :    He is believed to be the murderer of his wife.
Birinci tip passive cümleye "It's + past participle" ile başlanır ve "that clause" aynen eklenir.İkinci tip passive cümleye ise, "noun clause" daki özne ile başlanır. Bu passive biçimini tense'lere göre şu şekillerde kullanabiliriz:
a)        Present "be" (am, is, are)
They say the man upstairs is a thief.
It is said that the man upstairs is a thief.
The man upstairs is said to be a thief.
b)         Simple Present
We understand that he dislikes children.
It is understood that he dislikes children.
He is understood to dislike children.
c)        Past "be"  (was, were)
They say that he was very rich in the past.
 It is said that he was very rich in the past.
He is said to have been very rich in the past.
d)        Simple Past
People claim that he left the country two months ago.
It is claimed that he left the country two months ago.
He is claimed to have left the country two months ago.
e)        Present Perfect
People think that he has deserted his family.
It's thought that he has deserted his family.
He is thought to have deserted his family.
f)         Present Progressive
We think he is waiting there now.
It's thought that he is waiting there now.
He is thought to be waiting there now.

g)        Past Progressive
People say he was working very hard.
It is said that he was working very hard.
He is said to have been working very hard.
h)        Future Tense (will or going to)
People expect that the rate of exchange will go down soon.
It is expected that the rate of exchange will go down soon.
The rate of exchange is expected to go down soon.
Present Passive (am, is, are done)
They say that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.
It is said that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.
A lot of electrical appliances are said to be stolen every day.
j)         Past Passive (was, were done)
They report that two people were killed in the explosion.
It is reported that two people were killed in the explosion.
Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion.
Temel cümledeki yüklem past tense ise, passive cümlede "was, were" kullanmamız gerekir.
People believed that he had committed the crime.
It was believed that he had committed the crime.
He was believed to have committed the crime.
Temel cümlenin yüklemi "present", yan cümleciğin yüklemi "past" olduğu zaman passive cümlede "to have done" yapısının kullanıldığını gördük. Bunun nedeni, eylemler arasındaki zaman ilişkisini vurgulamaktır.
They believe she acted deliberately.
(believe: present, acted: past)
It is believed that she acted deliberately.
She is believed to have acted deliberately.
Eğer hem temel cümlenin hem de yan cümleciğin yüklemi "past" ise, iki eylem arasında zaman farkı olmadığı için, bu ifadeyi passive yapıya "to do" biçiminde aktarırız. Yan cümledeki eylem daha önce gerçekleşmişse, bunu active cümlede "past perfect" kullanarak ifade ederiz. Bu durumda, iki eylem arasındaki farkı göstermek için passive cümlede yine "to have done" kullanırız.
They believed she knew the truth.
(believed: past, knew: past)
She was believed to know the truth.
They believed she had acted deliberately, (believed: past, had acted: past perfect)
She was believed to have acted deliberately.
Bu passive yapısıyla yaygın olarak kullanılan fiiller say, claim, understand, think, suppose, expect, report, allege, acknowledge, assume, estimate, believe, consider gibi fiillerdir.