CAN Kullanımı ve BE ABLE TO Kullanımı


a)   Yeteneklerimizi ifade ederken "can" ya da "be able to" kullanırız.

He can speak two foreign languages fluently.
He is able to speak two foreign languages fluently.
My son doesn't attend school yet, but he can/is able to read and write already.

Olumsuz cümlede can't ve am/is/are not able to kullanılır.

He can run very long distances, but he can't run very fast.                                                                    He is able to run very long distances, but he isn't able to run very fast.

I can speak English, but I can't speak French.                                                                                             I'm able to speak English, but I'm not able to speak French.

"Be able to" diğer tense'lere göre çekimlenebilir.

He is able to speak very good English. (Present)                                                                                     He has been able to speak English for ten years. (Present Perfect)                                                             He was able to speak good English when he was a child. (Simple Past)                                                      He will be able to speak English even better when he stays in England for some time. (Future) He should be able to speak English well, because he has been living in England for six years. (With other modals)                                                                                                                                        He had been able to speak English for five years when he went to England. (Past Perfect)

b)   "Can" yapılması mümkün olan olayları ifade ederken de kullanılır.
I'm very busy now, so I can't help you.
(It's not possible for me to help you now.)
I'll finish my work in an hour, so I can help you then.                            (It's possible for me to help you after I finish my work.)
I have very little money on me now, so I can't lend you any.                      (It's not possible for me to lend you any money now.)
I'll go to the bank in the afternoon, and I'll withdraw some money from my bank account. Then I can lend you some.
(It will be possible for me to lend you some money after I've withdrawn some from the bank.)

c)    "Can", birine bir şey yapması için izin verilirken de kullanılır. Bu kullanımıyla, "can", "may" ile aynı anlamı verir.

(The shop owner to the customer)
-   You can/may leave your purchases here until you finish your shopping.                                Then you can come and get them.
(Mother to her daughter)
-   Because tomorrow is a holiday, you can/may stay up late tonight.
(Father to his son)
You can /may go on your date in my car if you wish.
(The teacher to the students)
Those who finish answering the questions can/may leave the classroom.

d)   "Can" in past biçimi "could", "be able to" nun past biçimi ise "was/were able to" dur.                    
I could run very fast when I was a child.
I was able to run very fast when I was a child.
Some students in my previous class could/were able to speak English almost fluently, but they weren't so good at grammar.

"Could", geçmişteki yeteneklerimizi ya da geçmişte birine izin verme  gibi  durumları  ifade ederken kullanılır.
Mozart could play the piano when he was only four, (ability in the past)
My grandfather was very strong. He could lift enormous boxes on his own.                              (ability in the past)
It was raining heavily. We could go out only when it stopped raining.
(permission in the past)
(It became possible for us to go out only when the rain stopped.)
Because there was a holiday the next day, the children could stay up late.
(permission in the past)
(It became possible for them to stay up late because there was a holiday the next day.)

"Was/were able to" da. geçmişteki yeteneklerimizi ya da geçmişteki izin verme durumlarını ifade ederken kullanılır. Ancak, "geçmişte zor bir durumun üstesinden gelme" anlamı (manage to do), sadece "was/were able to" ile ifade edilir. "Could" bu anlamda kullanılmaz.

(ability in the past)
He was a good student when he was in high school.
He could/was able to get very high grades in every subject.
I had a good voice when I was younger.
I could/was able to sing very well, especially folk songs.

(permission in the past)
When their maths teacher didn't come, the students could/were able to leave school earlier than usual.

(one specific event in the past: only "was/were able to")
The math exam was very difficult yesterday, but I was able to get a high grade, anyway.
(I managed to get a high grade although the exam was difficult.)
I overslept yesterday, and missed the bus, but I was able to get to work on time by taxi.
(I managed to get to work on time by taxi.)
Last month, there was a huge fire in our street. Luckily, the fire brigade came just in time to    extinguish it, so everybody was able to escape unhurt.

Örneklerde gördüğünüz gibi, "was able to", "geçmişte belli bir olayın (a specific event) üstesinden gelme" anlamını ifade ediyor. Şimdi şu iki örneği karşılaştıralım.

When I was a child, I could/was able to run very fast.
I could/was able to beat anyone who raced with me. (ability in the past)                                     Once, I raced with a school friend of mine. She was also a fast runner. It was a hard race for me, but I was able to beat her in the end.                                                                                       (one specific event in the past)

Olumsuz ifadelerde, her üç durum için de (ability, giving permission or one specific event in the past), "couldn't" ya da "wasn't/weren't able to" kullanabiliriz. "Couldn't" daha çok kullanılır.

I couldn't/wasn't able to use a computer just three months ago, but now I can.
The students   didn't want to   have a test that day,   but they couldn't/weren't able to persuade the teacher to cancel it.