MODALS OF NECESSITY : MUST, HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO

Must, have to ve have got to*, gereklilik ya da zorunluluk ifade eden yapılardır.

Students must study hard in order to pass exams.               
Students have to study hard in order to pass exams. Students have got to study hard in order to pass exams.

"have to" nun soru biçimi, "do" kullanılarak oluşturulur.

Do you have to leave now?
Yes. I do. ( Yes, I have to leave now.)

Does your brother have to work so hard?              
Yes, he does. ( Yes, he has to work so hard.)

"must" ve "have got to" nun soru biçiminde ise, kendileri öznenin önüne geçer .  
Must you leave now?
Yes, I must. ( Yes, I must leave now.)

Have you got to leave now?
Yes, I have. (Yes, I have got to leave now.)

"Must" ve "have to" nun olumsuz biçimi, "don't have to", "don't need to" ya da "needn't" dır.

Do you have to get up early tomorrow?
No, it is my day off. I don't have to/don't need to /needn't get up early.

Does your brother have to get up early tomorrow?
No, it is his day off. He doesn't have to/doesn't need to/needn't get up early.

Must a student study four hours a day?                                                                                        It depends on the student. Some students don't have to/don't need to/needn't study so much.

Must you get a tutor?                                                                                                             
 No, I can understand by myself. I don't have to/don't need to /needn't get a tutor.

NOTE : "Must" ın olumsuzu olarak, ilk anda akla "mustn't" geliyor, Ancak "mustn't", zorunluluğuortadan kaldıran değil, yasaklama getiren bir yapıdır.
"Must I stay in bed for a swift recovery?" (Çabuk iyileşmek için yatmalı mıyım?)
diyen birine, "No, you mustn't." dersek, "Hayır, yatmamalısın." demiş oluruz ki, bu da bizim ifade etmek istediğimiz düşünce değildir. Çünkü, bu soruyu soran birine "Hayır, yatman gerekmez." demek istemişizdir. " Bunu da "needn't", "don't need to" ya da "don't have to" ile ifade edebiliriz.
No, you don't have to/don't need to/needn't stay in bed, but don't go out.
"Mustn't" ı ancak, "yapmamalısın" anlamında kullanabiliriz. Yani, "Bunu yapmamalısın, çünkü yasak" ya da "Bunu yapmamalısın; eğer yaparsan, sonuç kötü olacak." gibi düşünceleri ifade edebiliriz.
You mustn't smoke so much. You'll make yourself ill.
We mustn't sit here on the grass. The notice says it is forbidden.


"Have got to", daha çok konuşma dilinde kullanılan bir yapıdır. Yazı dilinde pek kullanılmaz.
"Have got to" nun olumsuz biçimi ise "haven't got to" dur.

Have you got to meet your friend at the bus-stop?  
No, I haven't got to meet him, He knows the way, and he can come by himself.

"Must", "have to" ve "have got to" nun past biçimi "had to" dur.

It was very busy at work yesterday. I had to work until late. 
When I was a child, there weren't so many toys. We had to make our own toys.

Did you have to get up early last year?
No, classes started at noon last year, so I didn't have to get up early.    

Did you have to wear a uniform when you were in high school?                                            Yes, I did. (Yes, I had to wear a uniform.)

There weren't so many electric appliances in the past, so women had to spend very long hours doing the housework.

"Must" ve "have to", zaman olarak "present" ya da "future" eylemleri bildirebilir.                       
I must go now. (Present) / I must work hard next week. (Future)
She has to leave now. (Present) / She has to get up early tomorrow. (Future)

"Must" ın present ya da future dışında başka bir kullanımı yoktur.                                    "Have to" kalıbını, diğer teııse'lerle de kullanabiliriz.

I have to study now. (Present)
I will have to study hard next year. (Future)
I had to study hard last year. (Simple Past)
I have had to study hard for some time. (Present Perfect)
I had had to study very hard for some time and so I became ill. (Past Perfect)

b) Use of "must" and "have to"

"must" ve "have to" , her ikisi de gereklilik, zorunluluk bildirmesine karşın."must" daha çok, konuşmacının kendi içinden gelen bir zorunluluğu, "have to" ise dış etkenlerden kaynaklanan bir zorunluluğu yansıtır. Ancak, günlük yaşamda, zorunluluklar arasında bu ayrımı yapmak çok zordur. Yani zorunluluğu kişi kendi içinde mi hissediyor, yoksa bazı koşullar onu bir şeyler yapmaya mı zorluyor? Bu ayrımı, tek tek cümlelerde yapamayız. Ancak, konuşmanın akışı içerisinde zorunluluğun kaynağı netlik kazanabilir.

I must pass the university exam.                           I have to pass the university exam.

Tek tek ele aldığımızda, bu iki cümle arasında pek fark yoktur. Ancak, bu cümlelerin devamında, konuşmanın akışı şöyle olmalıdır.

I must pass the university exam. I have no other choice. If I can't pass it, I won't get a good career and I will be unhappy.

I have to pass the university exam. My parents have spent so much money on me. If not, I'll make them unhappy.

"Must" konuşmacının kendi otoritesini ifade ederken de kullanılır.

(A doctor to his patient)                                                                                                                               You must stop smoking. Your lungs are getting worse.
(Mother to her child)                                                                                                                              You must make your bed when you get up.
(Mother to her son)                                                                                                                               You must brush your teeth before you go to bed.

Ancak, kendisinden istenen bu işleri ifade ederken, kişinin "have to" kullanması daha uygundur.

(the patient)   I have to stop smoking. The doctor says my lungs are getting worse.
(the child)      I have to make my bed when I get up.
(the son)         I have to brush my teeth before I go to bed.