( Bu tense'lerin Zaman Bağlaçlarıyla kullanımı )
Bu tense'leri zaman bağlaçlarıyla kullanırken, eylemlerin geçmişteki oluş sıralarını dikkate almamız gerekir. İki eylemden daha önce olanını Past Perfect ile daha sonra olanını ise Simple Past ile ifade edebiliriz.
    First: She cleaned the house.                    Second: The guests arrived.

After she had cleaned the house, the guests arrived.
Before the guests arrived, she had cleaned the house.
She had cleaned the house when the guests arrived.

a)      With after:
After she had graduated from university, she went to England.
After we had travelled on a coach (or ten straight hours, we continued our journey by horse to get to the mountain village.
“After” in bağlı bulunduğu cümle, cümlenin sonunda da yer alabilir.
She felt better after she had taken a tablet.
After she had taken a tablet, she felt better.
"After", geçmişteki iki eylemden daha önce olanım ifade ettiği için, bağlı bulunduğu cümlede normalde Past Perfect kullanılır. Ancak "after", eylemlerin sırasını zaten belirttiği için , Past Perfect yerine Simple Past da kullanabiliriz. Bu durumda anlam değişmez.
After she graduated from university, she went to England.
After we travelled on a coach for ten straight hours, we continued our journey by horse to get to the mountain village.

b)       With before:

"Before" un bağlı olduğu cümle, geçmişte yapılan iki eylemden, daha sonra yapılanı ifade ettiği için, "before"lu cümlede Simple Past, temel cümlede ise Past Perfect kullanılır. Ancak "before" da "after" gibi eylemlerin sırasını belirttiği için, temel cümlede Past Perfect yerine Simple Past da kulanılır.
Before she came to live in this city, she had lived in İzmir. Before she came to live in this city, she lived in İzmir.
I had finished my exam paper before the bell rang.                       I finished my exam paper before the bell rang.

c)        With   till / until:

I didn't interrupt him until/till he   finished     his speech.
                                                       had finished
I didn't speak to him until/till he   spoke     to me.
                                                      had spoken

"Until/till" ile Past Perfect kullanımı çok yaygın değildir. Ancak, yan cümlecikteki eylemin temel cümledeki eylemden önce tamamlanmış olduğunu vurgulamak islersek, Past Perfect kullanabiliriz. Aksi takdirde, Simple Past kullanmamız yeterlidir.

They didn't leave the office until I had completed my report.
( They left after I had completed my report.)
She didn't give up studying prepositions until she had learnt them by heart.

"Till/Until" ile kurulmuş bir cümlede, Past Perfect Tense'in never, always, once, in his life gibi zarflarla kullanımını göz önüne alarak, temel cümlede Past Perfect kullanmak mümkündür.

I had never seen a kangaroo until I saw one in Australia last year.
The teacher had always been patient with us until we made her furious yesterday.
The students hadn't heard of the author in their lives until I mentioned him.

d)        With   as soon as:

"As soon as ", temel cümleyle yan cümleciğin eylemleri arasında gecen zamanın çok kısa olduğunu vurgular. Eylemleri oluş sırasına göre dizdiği için, Past Perfect kullanmak zorunlu değildir. Ancak birinci eylemin tamamlandığını vurgulamak amacıyla, Simple Past yerine Past Perfect kullanabiliriz.
As soon as the guests left/ had left, I went straight to bed.
I went to see her as soon as I heard / had heard the news.
The students burst into laughter as soon as the teacher left / had left the classroom.
As soon as they found /had found a better house, they sold their old one.
We decided to go shopping as soon as the rain stopped / had stopped.                     (Yağmur diner dinmez alışverişe çıkmaya karar verdik.)

e)       With  when:

"When", kullanırken dikkat edilmesi gereken bağlaçlardan biridir. Çünkü, kullandığımız tense' e göre, eylemlerin birbirleriyle olan ilişkisi farklılık gösterir, anlam değişir.
When he left home, I was washing the dishes.
( O evden çıktığında ben bulaşık yıkıyordum.)
( I started to wash the dishes before he left, and hadn't yet finished when he was leaving.)
When he left home, I washed the dishes.
( O evden çıkınca, bulaşıkları yıkadım.)
( I waited for him to leave home and then I started to wash the dishes.)
When he left home, I had washed the dishes.
( O evden çıktığında, ben bulaşıkları yıkamıştım. )
( I started to wash the dishes and finished them before he left home.)

She was preparing dinner when I got home.
She prepared dinner when I got home.
She had prepared dinner when I got home.

"Already, just, yet, hardly/scarcely" gibi zarfla"when" li bir cümlede kullandığımızda, temel cümle Past Perfect Tense gerektirir.

I hadn't yet replied to their letter when they came to visit me.
She had hardly entered the classroom when the exam started.
(Sınav başladığında, o sınıfa henüz/yenice girmişti.)
When we arrived there, the film had already started.

Eğer  "when" in bağlı bulunduğu cümledeki eylem, temel cümledeki eylemden daha önce olmuşsa, "when" li cümlede de Past Perfect kullanabiliriz.

When I had explained the subject to the class. I gave them a quiz.
( First, I explained the subject. Then I gave them a quiz.)
When the workers had finished some part of their work, they sat down eat lunch.

f)        With by the time:

By the time she came back. I had finished my work.
The film had already begun by the time we got to the cinema.
We had already started to discuss the case by the time the manager came.
By the time the guests arrived, my mother had finished all the cooking. (Konuklar gelinceye kadar annem yemek pişirme işini bitirmişti.) Konuklar geldiğinde

"By the time" ın Türkçe'ye çevirisine dikkat ediniz. Yukarıdaki örneği "............ gelinceye kadar" ya da ".............. geldiğinde" biçiminde çevirdik. Bu nedenle "by the time", "whenile yakın bir anlama sahiptir. "Geçmişte bir eylem olduğunda/oluncaya kadar, diğer bir eylem olmuştu.' anlamını verir.

By the time they came, I had finished cleaning.
By the time I arrived at the station, the train had left.
By the time scientists found a cure for tuberculosis, many people had died of it.

Eğer,   "geçmişte bir eylem  olduğunda,  başka  bir eylem zaten  oluyordu" anlamını vermek istiyorsak, temel cümlede (already) + was/were doing kullanabiliriz.

By the time I left the office, it was already raining.
By the time we prepared her milk, the baby was already crying.
By the time I arrived at my date, my friends were already waiting for me.

Temel cümlede Simple Past kullanılmaz. Ancak, "be"    fiilinin past biçimi olan "was/were" kullanılır.

By the time I noticed the leak, the kitchen floor was already full of water.
By the time the journey was over, it was already midnight.
By the time we arrived home, it was already 2 o'clock.
By the time he retired from his work, he was sixty years old.

"By the time"   ile   "until", Türkçe'ye   "................ oluncaya kadar” biçiminde çevrildiği halde, geçmişteki iki eylem arasında farklı bir ilişkiyi ifade ederler.
By the time she came back from holiday, all her plants at home had died.
( When she came back, she found all her plants dead. )

Yukarıdaki   örnekte   ve   diğer   örneklerde   gördüğümüz  gibi,   "by the time",   "ikinci   eylem olduğunda, diğer eylem olup bitmişti" anlamını vurguluyor.

                             I watered her plants
I watered her plants until she came hack from holiday.
Bu örnekte de gördüğümüz gibi, "until" ,"birinci eylemin, ikinci eylemin olduğu noktaya kadar devam ettiğini, tam o noktada bittiğini" vurguluyor.

By the time I got to the airport, my plane had taken off.
(The plane departed some time before my arrival, so I missed it.)

I went to the airport yesterday to see a friend of mine off. I stayed in the waiting lounge until the plane took off.
(I saw the plane take off and then I left the airport.)