17- THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE
17-1    FORM
will have been doing
will not have been doing
have been doing?

Gelecekte bir işi ne kadar zamandır yapıyor olacağımızı bu tense ile ifade ederiz. Yani gelecekte süreç bildiririz.

By next year, I will have been teaching English for nine years. Tomorrow, I will start work at   9 and finish at 12, so I will have been working for three hours by the time my last lesson is over.

By the time her mother comes home at 5 o'clock, she will have been studying 

for three hours.

She started to work for us last year.  
Now, she has been working for us for a year.  
By next year, she will have been working for us for two years.

The meeting will start at ten and I will arrive there at eleven. 
By the time I arrive there, the meeting will have been going on for an hour.
By the next elections, this government will have been governing the country for four years.

Bu lense ile kullanacağımız fiilleri seçerken dikkatli olmamız gerekir. Ancak work, write, travel, watch, 

listen, go on, study gibi sürerlik bildiren fiilleri bu tense ile kullanabiliriz. Finish, complete, arrive gibi

bir anda olup biten eylemleri kullanamayız.

"By 9 o'clock tomorrow, I'll have been arriving in Ankara for six hours." ifadesi yanlış bir ifade olur. Çünkü insan.altı saattir bir yere varıyor olamaz. Bu cümleyi ancak şöyle doğru olarak ifade edebiliriz:
By 9 o'clock tomorrow, I'll have arrived in Ankara. (.... varmış olacağım.)
By the time I arrive in Ankara, I'll have been travelling for six hours. (............... allı saattir yolculuk yapıyor olacağını.)

***   "By the time"   yapısıyla   "be" fiilinin kullanımına dikkat ediniz. Normalde "by the time", temci cümlede Future Perfect gerektirir.

By the time they come, I will have eaten my dinner.
Ancak "befiilini, eğer süreç bildirmiyorsa, Simple Future  (will be)  ile kullanırız.
By the time they come, dinner will be over.
By the time he retires from his job, he will be sixty.
By the time we come bark from holiday, they will be married.
Eğer "be" fiilini, süreç bildiren bir ifadeyle birlikte kullanırsak, Future Perfect gerektirir.
By the time he retires from his job, he will have been in this city for twenty years.
By the time we come back from holiday, they will have been married for two months.