Passive Cümlede Zaman Zarfı Kullanımı


a)        Cümlenin sonunda kullanılan zaman zarfları, "by phrase"den sonra gelir.
Active         :    Jack washed the car yesterday.
:    The car was washed by Jack yesterday.
Active         :    Jack will wash the car tomorrow.
:    The car will be washed by Jack tomorrow.
Active         :    Jack will have washed the car by 5 p.m.
Passive         :     The car will have been washed by Jack by 5 p.m.
Cümlenin sonunda kullanılan bu zarflar,vurguyu arttırmak için cümle başında da kullanılabilir.
Yesterday, the car was washed by Jack. Tomorrow, the car will be washed by Jack.
b)       "Always, usually, just, already" gibi cümle içinde kullanılan zaman zarfları, eğer cümlede başka yardımcı fiil yoksa, "be" fiilinden sonra gelir.
Active           :    Jack usually washes the car in the afternoon.
:     The car is usually washed by Jack in the afternoon.

Active         :    Jack last washed the car two days ago.
:    The car was last washed by Jack two days ago.
Eğer cümlede başka yardımcı fiil varsa, bu zarfların yeri iki şekilde olabilir.
Active         :    Jack has just washed the car.
Passive         :   The car has just been washed by Jack.  (1. yardımcı fiilden sonra)                                                                                                  The car has been just washed by Jack, ("be" fiilinden sonra)
Active         :    Jack had already washed the car.
Passive         :    The car had already been washed by Jack.
The car had been already washed by Jack.
Active         :    Jack will probably wash the car tomorrow.
Passive         :   The car will probably be washed by Jack tomorrow.
The car will be probably washed by Jack tomorrow.
"Probably"nin olumsuz cümledeki yerine dikkat ediniz.
Active         :    Jack probably won't wash the car tomorrow.
Jack will probably not wash the car tomorrow.
:    The car probably won't be washed by Jack tomorrow.
The car will probably not be washed by Jack tomorrow.
c)       "Carefully, beautifully, deeply" gibi durum bildiren zarflar (adverbs of manner) passive cümlede genellikle "be" fiili ile asıl fiil arasında yer alır.
Active         :    The horror film affected the children badly.
Passive        :    The children were badly affected by the horror film.
Active         :    We placed the glassware carefully in the cupboard.
:    The glassware was carefully placed in the cupboard.